Rent - Spring 2016
We are so excited to announce that our Spring Term Main Show 2016 will be Rent by Jonathan Larson.

13th-16th March, Jane Holloway Hall
Tickets available at the door or via the SU website.

Cast List
Mark Cohen: Alex White
Roger Davis: Tom Chippendale
Mimi Marquez: Lucy Carruthers
Tom Collins: Zak Derler
Angel Dumott-Schunard: Stephen Johnson
Maureen Johnson: Bethany Hughes
Joanne Jefferson: Tash Kayser
Benny Coffin III: Matthew Siveter
Mrs. Cohen: Rebecca Schnitzer
Alexi Darling: Katie Wilmore
Mrs. Jefferson: Mollie Stockhill
Mrs. Davis: Molly Austen
Support Group Leader: Sarah Cowan
Mr. Grey: Daniel Jones
Mr. Jefferson: Marcus Jones
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Photo Gallery

When the musical first appeared off-Broadway in 1996, it immediately became a hit. Tragically, Jonathan Larson could not appreciate the overwhelming success of his play, since he had died on the evening of the final dress rehearsal. His death made the play that much more poignant in its focus on the diseased and drug-addicted young people of New York City's East Village. Still, in its examination of the lifestyles of the young men and women who inhabit the slums of the Village, the play becomes a celebration of life and the heroic struggle to survive. It was published by William Morrow in 1997.
Rent is loosely based on the Italian composer Giacomo Puccini's La Bohème, an opera that focuses on the experiences of bohemian artists living in Paris at the end of the nineteenth century. Larson places his play in New York City a century later than Puccini's work. It opens on Christmas Eve and chronicles the characters' lives over the course of one year. The fast-paced production moves through a collection of vignettes that are united by a rent strike against the landlord of the run-down tenement where some of the characters live. During the course of the play, the characters protest the landlord's plans to evict them and face other obstacles that are more difficult to fight, including drug addiction, AIDS, and troubled relationships. The characters do not overcome all their problems, but those that they do overcome provide them with a sustaining sense of community and the will to endure.
Production Team
Director: Anthony Underwood
Musical Director: Max Harris
Choreographer: Dana Hudson
Producer: Dan Jones
Deputy Stage Manager: Alexis Mumford
Stage Manager: Rebecca Hitchcox
​Publicity: Daisy Horan
Set Designer: Molly Harding
Hair & Make-up: Lori Murphy
Shadow Crew Members
Shadow Directors: Emma Nyland and
Olivia Dutson
Shadow Musical Director: Rachel Harper
Shadow Choreographer: Violaine Brunelin

We are delighted to announce that RENT was the recipient of the Best MTS Production award at last night's RHOscars! Thank you so much to all of you who voted, your support means so much. Huge congratulations also go to Alex White (Mark) for winning Best Actor, Stephen Johnson (Angel) for winning Best Supporting Actor and Anthony Underwood for winning Best Production Team Member!