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It'll be alright on the night - we hope!

Obviously, a huge part of what makes MTS great is the shows we put on throughout the year but one of these would be possible without an army of backstage help, and the same goes for every single show on campus. In this post I will share some of the backstage antics that (hopefully) go unnoticed by the unsuspecting audience and some of the reasons our members choose to stay behind the scenes.

First things first, although I have the required love for all things Musical Theatre, it should be noted that I am completely tone deaf and definitely lack the control of my limbs required to take on any kind of on stage role, MTS has still been a huge part of everything I've loved about my time at Royal Holloway so I'm a firm believer that MTS really does have something for everyone.

Being part of the backstage team means you do certainly have some stories to tell! Things don't always go to plan are you will often find yourself making new props/repairing broken items last minute (remember; gaffa tape is your friend!), not to mention sourcing all manner of random items (Barbie dolls, Chaises Longues and high school lockers anyone?). You become part of Directors' creative visions and dress up as French folk to bring on and take off set (I'm looking at you Madi) and find yourself carrying the weirdest things around Egham in the strangest of ways... Highlights include fitting a full-sized keyboard into your vintage (Mr. Bean-style) mini, taking a manky old bin in a taxi or dragging a giant sheet of MDF down Egham Hill (and leaving the marks to prove it) ready for it to be transformed into a Paris skyline (I'm looking at you again Madi). And then it's show time, the curtain goes up and all hell inevitably breaks loose... you find creative ways to get replacement microphones on stage, become a pro at getting tape to stick to soggy, sweaty faces and spend a lot of time telling people to be quiet while still finding time to sing your heart out with fellow crew members and cry when it's all over. All-in-all you will spend far too much time in venues around campus, worry far too much about things you never thought you'd worry about but also make some of the best memories of your university life with people who will become some of your closest friends and we wouldn't change it for the world (even if we say we'll never do it again before the end of every single show!).

For some, helping out backstage for the run of a show (3 or 4 days) is a great way to get involved in the buzz of show, without the commitment of weeks of rehearsals... All you need is patience, enthusiasm and some black clothes! The cast really appreciate a smiley face and a hand or two with tricky costume changes. If this appeals to you make sure don't miss out on the chance to get involved with being backstage for a show by following our updates on our Facebook page.

The most common way for people to get involved in all things backstage is through the Shadow Scheme which runs alongside every show on campus, across the performance societies. This gives first years a chance to learn from current production team members, make a real difference to a show (we really couldn't run a show without the help of our shadows) and ask questions before they take on a role on a production team themselves. There will usually be information on the shows dedicated Facebook pages but make sure you also keep an eye on the RHUL Production Team Members Directory too! As well the opportunity to shadow the production team for our Main Term Show, Bring It On, we are starting a new scheme this year where you could get a taste of what it's like to be a part of the team responsible the biggest inter-society show of the year - ANATT! Check out out blog post all about our brand new Creative Trainee Scheme, and stay tuned for more info soon!

If you are not a first year and you are worried that you've missed the boat on all things backstage, never fear! I didn't get started with anything backstage at Royal Holloway right at the end of my first year and since then I have been involved in 10 shows and am now a proud member of your Committee for the next academic year. If you are interested in getting involved, make sure you like our Facebook page or send us an email!

In case you hadn't noticed, I'm a massive fan of the backstage community at Royal Holloway and I'm so glad to be a part of it! It's also a great way to get involved with the Performance Societies even if singing, dancing and acting isn't your thing (and believe me it's definitely not mine). And last but not least, thank you so much to the people who gave me inspiration (and provided the photos) for this post, yet another reason the backstage community is great!

That's it for today but in the meantime I will leave you with this...

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