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What MTS means to us?

For today's post we thought we would hear from some of our members about what they love about being a part of our MTS family, so here's what they have to say....

For your new President, Stephen, MTS became a home away from home. Your Social Secretary, Mollie, says that it is "what has made [her] uni experience so wonderful, an incredible group of talented people who just want to perform and have the most fun possible while doing it!" Our Secretary, Emma, agrees that MTS is "not just a society, it's a place where people can meet other like minded people, settle in easily and have fun while doing so."

Abi, your Charities and Volunteering Coordinator appreciates the opportunity to "make obscure musical references and having people actually understand what you're talking about." There is so much room for musical-related puns around here!

Starting uni can be tough and extra-curricular activities can be what gets you through, this is true for Marcus who says "MTS gave me a reason to stay at university. It is hard settling into uni during first year, I won't lie, I really struggled. But this amazing group of talented, fun, loving people gave me the confidence and drive to do what so many people love. I have honestly made friends for life because of this society. Also, musical theatre is so much bloody fun." We couldn't agree more!

Louisa says: "MTS means family and family means no one gets left behind. In all seriousness, MTS is so inclusive and has made me feel part of a community. I don't think I would enjoy uni as much as I do without MTS. They cheer me up after a bad day and make the great days even greater! I feel like I can truly be myself around my MTS family". We really are a family, alright?!

Aysha agrees, "I love MTS because it's such a friendly and welcoming society, and has helped me more than I can explain. Also, there's always something on so you can easily get involved and have an amazing time!"

And last but certainly not least, Sarah sums us up pretty well when she says "MTS is a crazy, insane, exciting, happy place where you find incredible friends and have an utterly fantastic time!!!"

We look forward to welcoming more members into our ever-growing family in just a few weeks!

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