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A Note From the President...

When I joined MTS back in my first year I remember being intrigued by “Presidents Punch,” a punch that has been present at Summer Cabaret after parties for quite a few years now. This far from salubrious golden liquid, that was introduced to MTS by my Great, Great, Grand President, led me to make some of the most questionable decisions I’ve made during my University career, Luckily, as this will be my 4thyear at Royal Holloway most of my fellow students won’t know what happened and hopefully it will stay that way!

Anyway, MTS has been my biggest friend at University in these past few years and I’m so excited to announce that we are turning 25 years old in 2019. There have been mixed reports as to when it was officially started as I have programmes in the archive that say 1994 and other older members have told me 1995. So just to cover all bases we thought we would start our 25thcelebrations this year and carry them on in the 2019/20 academic year as well. Overall it means more partying probably so that’s a bonus.

My main objectives this year are to build upon the societies foundations in order to create a real family feel to the society; to create something that our members are proud to be a part of and to make sure our members realise that we as a society are part of Musical theatre in the UK which as an industry has blown up in the last few years. I also want to help push creative arts at Royal Holloway in a direction that mimics how the industry is changing with regards to stopping the white-washing of shows and to lay the foundations to create a truly inclusive environment where anyone from any background can feel comfortable getting stuck into the society and what we do.

Also, the committee this year are hot on personal development and believe our society shouldn’t just perform but educate. Our amazing careers and development officer Flynn is starting a workshop series where members can bring a song, a scene from a musical or a dance routine to be workshopped in front of other members so that each and every one of our members has the chance to improve their skills, receive constructive criticism about their performance and become closer to other members and committee.

There are so many other things we are switching up this year or introducing that I can’t unveil yet but we have BIG BIG plans this year and I hope that many of our members past and present (hint hint) will be able to get involved to make our 25thyear the best year of MTS yet.

My final note to our current members as well as our new intake of first years is to simply get stuck in and make sure you use the opportunities we present to you this year as much as you can.

Robbie Caprari-Sharpe (President 2018/19)

Twitter: @robbiejcs

Instagram: @robbiejcs

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