CAST LISTS Spring 2017
Good morning MTS friends!
Todays the day. Thank-you so much for all of your auditions around campus this term. We are absolutely thrilled to announce that the cast lists of both Marvel vs DC and Spring Awakening are as follows…
MTS Presents: Variations - Marvel vs DC CAST LIST:
Flash - Alicia O’Neill
Loki - Cameron Cheung
Deadpool - Molly Cheesley
Joker - Maddy Biggs
Captain America - Nik Papapikis
Batman - David Elwood
Harley Quinn - Saskia Clarke
Robin - Noah Keppen
Poison Ivy - Sam Zelaya
Wonderwoman/Cell Block - Shannon Gray
Spiderman/Villain - Louise Moore
Catwoman/Mystique - Anna Stanyon
Superman/Villain/Aquaman - Sanya Shahzad
Ironman/Magneto - Megan Creamer
Thor/Villain/News Reporter - Yara Edees
MTS Presents: Spring Awakening
Melchior - Tom Chippendale
Wendla - Lucy Carruthers
Moritz - George Lambourne
Martha - Ciara Murphy
Ilse - Natasha Kayser
Hanschen - Robbie Caprari-Sharpe
Ernst - Daniel Jones
Anna - Emma Twomlow
Thea - Hayley Atkinson
Otto - Josh Berrington
Georg - Marcus Jones
Adult Male - ?
Adult Male - ?
Adult Female - Sarah Cowan
Adult Female - Elinor Boult
Congratulations to all cast!
It was a very difficult decision but the teams cannot wait to get started.
You may notice the role of Adult Male is undisclosed. This is because we are re-opening auditions for the roles! Please find more information about this on the Spring Awakening Facebook page.